The correct recovery of injured or damaged peripheral nerves is probably the greatest achievement of my teacher, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hanno Millesi. He discovered that it is better not to assemble two mutually facing ends of a severed nerve, if the distance exceeds a certain length, but to bridge the distance (i.e. the “hole”) between the two ends by transplanting an autologous, expendable nerve.
This discovery made Prof. Millesi world famous. It was based on the recognition that it is essential to combine nerve endings completely without tension with each other. If instead split nerve ends are sewn together under tension, this triggers a scarring response at the seam that represents a mechanical barrier and prevents the sprouting of the nerve fibers. The idea was simple, nerves respond to strain or pressure just like any other fiber, they produce scar tissue. To ensure complete absence of tension at the seam, it is better to take a longer route growth.
The plans prepared by Prof. Millesi in Principles for Surgery of the Peripheral Nerves are the current international standard and have helped countless people in healing or recovery of lost skills.
The health insurance companies cover the cost of the operation.